Well I suppose that's 'a wrap' on Christmas! I hope that you have all had as wonderful a Christmas as I have and have been able to spend lots of time with families and friends!
Boxing Day was spent with Stu, who loved his presents and was happy to see us. Although, the parrot that repeats everything it hears in a high pitched tone, made for an interesting afternoon! Stu definitely liked it though!

So in the true spirit of making the most of the Christmas holidays, I have so far taken the time to finish my book, do lots of running, spend lots of time with family and do a big sort out of the house (which has definitely been a long time coming!)
Now I'm confident i saying, that in almost every house, there is a 'junk drawer'... The drawer where all miscellaneous items are shoved when we're not quite sure where they should live... Batteries that may or may not be flat, rubber bands, some of which have already snapped or are so old that they have actually fused together along with the mystery keys that nobody is quite sure what they unlock. Well, in our house the 'junk drawer' had graduated into a cupboard. A big cupboard.. A Harry Potter sized cupboard. Well it is this cupboard that I have tackled today, and no big surprise... it was primarily filled with shoes! Here they are, all lined up for an identity parade in the kitchen!
And what does this show us? That the Fiance has more than I do, contrary to popular myths about women and shoes!
I think it is definitely safe to say that we have some sort of addiction to running shoes in this house!
Having suffered for a long time with blister problems, finding a shoe that doesn't cause issues is important!
The Fiance on the other hand has a pair of pretty much every brand of shoe going, but seeing as he works for a running company, what should I expect?!
So having had some much needed family time and the chance to get the house in order, I can continue to focus on the running! This weekend I have a 13 miler on the training plan, which is making me slightly nervous, especially after the knee issues I had towards the end of the last long run I did! Hopefully this one won't cause me any problems, but I think taking it steady and investing in a knee support might be wise.
Thinking slightly further ahead to the next challenge of the full marathon, I really hope that my knees don't let me down and I can get through it!
I've almost made up my mind that after the Brass Monkey Half Marathon, I am going to forget about speed and times and just focus on making it to the end! Almost.. if I can get my competitive streak in check that is!
Please remember to visit my Just Giving page and give me and my knees some support! All donations welcome!
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