Sunday, 9 December 2018


So as I mentioned in my previous post, there wasn't an awful lot of running happening this week. It has been incredibly frustrating, watching the days on my training plan pass by without me lacing up my trainers, but I am out the other side of it now I hope! 

After feeling horrible all week, being full of cold and just generally exhausted,  I am definitely feeling much better and was able to put in an alright time at Parkrun on Saturday morning. It was at Parkrun that I had one of those overwhelming moments of feeling the amazing community that you're automatically inducted into when you become a runner. Whilst I was just finishing my first lap around the stray, a fellow runner came alongside me and he started to speak to me. To my pleasure, he said "Gosh, you don't even look like you're working hard!" Which after a whole week off and feeling like it was very hard work, I was pleased to hear! From here, we continued to chat and we began to run together, encouraging each other as we went. 

I really love it when things like this happen at Parkrun. So often, we are so focused on running our own race that we forget to look out for our fellow runners (unless something dramatic happens and we have to put on our hero hair and come to the rescue!). There were many times when I first started going to Parkrun that I found it difficult to get round the whole 5K without stopping, and I was always grateful to the runners who picked me up along the way and got me to the end, so it's nice to feel like I'm paying that forward! 

It was actually touch and go on Saturday morning whether I or not I was even going to Parkrun but I'm so glad that I did (and not just for the reason I already mentioned). The weather was miserable but that means fewer runners, fewer runners means a smaller field and a smaller field means a better finishing position! Even though I wasn't running a PB like a few weeks ago, I put in a 25.39 and was the 4th female finisher and 72nd overall, which are my highest rankings to date! Well worth braving the wind for! 

Despite being poorly, it has been a really positive week in terms of fundraising too. We raised £50 at the Christmas fair last weekend and even more collecting donations after the Infant Christmas Production (which was incredible by the way!). Seeing the total going up is really helping me stay motivated in these winter months, so please give generously on my Just Giving page! It really makes all the difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities, helping them to lead independent lives.


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