Sunday, 24 February 2019

Rock and Or Roll

It has been quite a frustrating week this week. I've had more injury niggles which have been preventing me doing all the runs that have been scheduled on the training plan and making me even more worried about the marathon than I already was!

After my long run last weekend and the pain in my knee, I knew I was in for a bit of trouble; but not being able to complete a 5 mile run on Tuesday was a big shock. At this point in my training, running 5 miles is a short run and my Tuesday runs are primarily just for getting my legs going for the rest of the week. This week however, I couldn't even complete what I had planned and even had trouble walking down the hill to home (at which point I had to walk on tiptoes down the hill to prevent bending my knee as it was far too painful!).

Once I had made it home, the pain subsided and didn't cause me any problems, so I did what any person living in this technological age does... I asked Dr Google!

A quick Google search later, I had diagnosed myself with the flimsy problem of "runner's knee" - A generic term for knee pain cause by a variety of issues which arise as you increase your mileage - Go figure! Following my reading, I investigated things I could do to help, which included foam rolling and icing the problem knee: Two things well within my capabilities.

I also sought advice from a parent at school who is a physio and he was able to tell me that my problem is in my IT band, which is creating friction when I run : ergo.. PAIN! But the good news is that I can try and manage it through the foam rolling, sports massage and taping.

My very attractive pink Rock Tape!
So that is what I am doing. I have invested in a foam roller (which I might have fallen off whilst screaming in agony the first time I tried to use it...), had a sports massage (which has left me battered and bruised!) and purchased some Rock Tape (which is a borderline miracle!).

On the whole, I am feeling pretty positive now. I have listened to all the advice I have received and I am working very hard at listening to my body. I am doing the exercises to try and stabilise my IT band and I am sure that mine and The Fiance's taping technique will improve with practise.

Today was supposed to be an 18 mile run, but with the issues I have already mentioned, I had to cut it short to 11 miles. This was a difficult decision, as I am not known for giving up, but I know that it was the right thing to do. I had planned my route to give me plenty of options for cutting it short and heading home, but unfortunately my knee gave out at one of the farthest points. Normally I would have pushed through, but seeing as I need to manage whatever is going on with my knee, I need to be a bit more careful.

Now as I go into next week, I will be continuing to experiment with and perfect the technique of using Rock Tape and hope that consistent strengthening exercises and foam rolling has a positive effect.

Please help keep me motivated by heading over to my Just Giving page and leave me a donation and message! Things are really starting to get tough and the extra boost really makes a difference!

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