Monday, 22 April 2019

Number 40887

When I first got the news that I had a place in the London Marathon, it took a while for it to actually sink in. The training started off steady away and I vividly remember aiming to achieve running 10 miles comfortably by Christmas. Well since then, I have run for over 100 hours and covered around 700 miles, which feels completely insane! 

The training has definitely been paying off, I am the fittest I have ever been and I have already achieved so much, including four new parkrun pbs, taking almost 2 minutes off my previous best and the fastest half marathon I will probably ever run in my life (1 hour 48!).  Now all that is left to do is to get a marathon time! No big deal right? 

Final preparations are now underway, the tapering is going well and I'm starting to think ahead to race day! I've so far been remarkably calm about it all, but the realisation is starting to set in now and I definitely have 'Maranoia" - The fear that something is going to happen that will prevent you from completing the race! The primary source of this fear is living with The Fiance A.K.A, Patient Zero. I don't know where he is picked up whatever virus he is harbouring, but he can keep it to himself! He has been officially quarantined and I am inflating sales of Vicks First Defence in an attempt to stay healthy!

Today I have enjoyed a short, 4 mile stretch of the legs and have only one or two more runs of a similar distance. I now have to trust in all the training and hard work that I've already done and hope that all will be well on the day! 
I've got everything I need and as long as I don't forget my trainers or my Rock Tape, I should be able to make it round the 26.2 miles! 

I've looked at the route and I can honestly say that the thought of running down The Mall and crossing that finishing line actually makes me feel quite emotional... Having just seen the TV advert for Sunday's race, I can't believe that I am actually doing it and not just looking forward to watching it. All the hard work come down to this. 

My race number is 40887, and anyone who wants to track my progress is more than welcome to and can do so using the London Marathon app. Remember to send me positive thoughts and keep an eye out for me on the TV! 

Being so close to the race day means that it's time for the last push with the fundraising as well. I've had a few donations this week and I am so grateful to all of you who have sponsored me so far. The difference that this money will make to the lives of the people supported by The Home Farm Trust is huge and they couldn't do it without the support of people like you. 

If you are still wanting to sponsor me, please head over to my Just Giving page:

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