I, Miss K, a Harrogate based primary school teacher, am running The 2019 London Marathon! I am not the first and I most certainly will not be the last, however as this is MY first marathon, I have decided to write about my journey and hopefully raise the profile of my chosen charity: The Home Farm Trust.
It's been a couple of weeks since my last blog post so there's a few runs to fill you in on! My furthest ever run now stands at 20 miles after last week's adventure with Mother Dearest to the nearby reservoirs. I made the decision before setting out on this run, that I would do my best to run with mum rather than running ahead at my own pace. I managed this for the first 10 miles, but found it really difficult to hold back and in the last 10 miles began running out and back at a pace I found more comfortable. During our run, mum and I were in agreement that we were really enjoying running somewhere different for a change... By the time we made it back to the car we were still in agreement, but this time we were agreeing that whilst the novelty was nice, we wouldn't be rushing back! The route was far more undulating than either of us remembered and resulted in two exhausted individuals, neither of whom could believe how hard the 20 miles had felt after such a great 18 miles the previous weekend! Luckily I feel like I have been able to right a few of those wrong this weekend with my 15 miles. Even though this is obviously 5 miles shorter than last weekend's run (quick maths!), I felt really good throughout. Those cheeky thoughts of "You could just do the extra 5... 5 miles is nothing, just keep going!" started to creep in, but the sensible part of my brain stomped them out, as deviation from the planned distance could always result in disaster! Overall I am happy with today's performance. I haven't actually studied the run stats yet, but I know my last miles were definitely faster than my first, which can only be a good sign! Post run, however, I have very sore feet. Definitely one of the less enjoyable and certainly less glamorous sides to marathon training (is there anything glamorous about running?!). My other highlights from the last two weeks (and therefore the last two parkrun days - formally known at Saturdays-), have been TWO parkrun pbs! I am completely thrilled that I have now registered TWO parkrun times under 24 minutes - something I never really thought I would do! I did a 23.21 last weekend, taking a massive 39 seconds off my previous pb and then this week I knocked another 5 seconds off, taking it down to 23.16! Obviously all these long runs and marathon training is having a positive effect on my 5K times! Can I make it into the 22s before the marathon?? Watch this space! On top of my pb highs, I have also loved enjoying the parkrun community this week. I headed over to Cafe Marconi after this week's run to sort tokens and learn about stopwatches!
Overall, it's been a really good week's running.. I got pbs and a Strava crown! What could be better than that? Hopefully the coming week brings more of the same, as the marathon is drawing ever closer! The countdown is well and truly on as it's now only 4 weeks away. FOUR WEEKS... FOUR! Whilst I have an eye on the marathon that is looming in the near future, I also have an eye on the fundraising. I am getting closer to my target now, but still need your help in achieving it. Do it for my aching legs and feet!! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Fiona-Kitchingman
Well, I am officially a member of the 100 club! It's taken a long time to get here, but I have finally made it! I'd like to say that it was a glorious morning for completing my 100th parkrun, but it was quite the opposite! Yellow weather warnings were in place across the county and I must admit, there were moments before leaving the house where I considered giving it a miss! A decision that The Fiance would have been very happy to support I think! When we arrived at The Stray, it was clear not as many people had turned out as normal (and with good reason!), but I was pleased to see the smiling face of one of my class who had volunteered especially for my 100th parkrun! (If I am being completely honest, this was my primary reason for actually leaving the house in the pouring rain!!) The run itself was almost a swim! We paddled our way around most of the course, as even the paths were under water! I fear that my trainers may never be the same again and even after washing my socks, there was still mud caught inside them but it was actually quite fun! It was made even better by the high 5s I received from the lovely corner 4 marshal each time I past by! Post run, we went to The Empress for a cup of tea and in true birthday style, had cake for breakfast! To top it all off I also got my best finishing position ever and came 3rd female!!
Today has been even more active as I have completed my longest run ever in my life! And thankfully the weather was much better whilst I was doing it! Today was an 18 mile day and I am pleased to announce that I actually managed to complete it and I did it at a pace that would give me a 4 hour marathon! Is that a glimmer of hope I see on my marathon horizon?! For a change, I completed my long run in the company of others! After doing an initial 8 miles by myself (including a few horrible hills), I met up with some fellow runners, including Mother Dearest! Despite running at different paces, it was nice to go on one of our excursions together, as with the exception of parkruns and the Brass Monkey, we haven't actually doing any of our training together. As there was a group of us, we were able to branch off into two pairs, running at our different paces, doubling back to each other where appropriate. Even though I do enjoy the solitude of running, and definitely do 'run in a void', where I suddenly realise how far I have gone and can't quite remember what I have been thinking about for the last 3 miles, I really enjoyed the boost of having company today. It spurred me on and kept me going even though I was sure my legs might have been about to fall off! As it stands, I have very achy legs, but also a sense of satisfaction that I have completed my 18 miles and made it through without having to call The Fiance to rescue me like that last time I set out for 18 miles! We call this progress!! Please remember to head over to my Just Giving page and leave me a donation and message! We are getting very close to the marathon now - it is a mere 6 weeks away!! Terrifying!! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/fiona-kitchingman
This week's experimentation with Rock Tape has been somewhat limited as I made the difficult decision to take five days rest to try and help the knee/ IT band situation. It wasn't a decision that I took lightly, particularly as I am determined that I don't just want to complete the marathon, I want to do it well and to do that, I have to put in the required training! But that's the conundrum really isn't it? What do you do when it's the training that is causing the problem?!
I have listened to all the advice received and decided that five days off wasn't going to hurt my progress, but would hopefully help whatever is going on in my leg, which it seems to have done.. for now at least.. On Saturday morning, I ventured out for the first run of the week (parkrun number 98!) and it was really good! I successfully taped my knee myself and The Fiance even came along too, seeing as there was an Up&Running SRG outing! My knee didn't bother me at all and I put in a great time, which has led to a classic combination of elation and frustration, as I was ONE second slower than my current PB, which means I was only TWO SECONDS away from a new PB and getting under 24 minutes! Even though I didn't quite make it to this next goal, I have to acknowledge the fact that running that pace felt an awful lot easier this time than it did when I set the PB a few months ago. Whether that is purely because I am fitter now than I was then, or because I was well rested after my week off remains to be seen when I try and chase it down next week! As I type this week's blog, I am enjoying a post 12 mile cup of tea, whilst The Fiance complains about his achy legs after yesterday's parkrun. I'm pleased to say he has acknowledged the fact that he expects no sympathy from me! P.S. This time I beat him by 42 places!! 🏆🏆 My fundraising percentage is currently hovering on 48% of my target and I would love to get over the 50% milestone. I am so grateful to all of you who have donated so far and thank you to those of you who are going to follow the link below and keep me running! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/fiona-kitchingman